Bookshelf » Ghost Stories and Coffee
Ghost Stories and Coffee


Ghost Stories and Coffee

It’d been a rough couple years for Brenda St. Rose, since her husband passed away. The kids were grown, the house was sold, and there was nothing keeping her from getting out in the world but herself. It was time to pursue things she’d always wanted to but didn’t have the time. However, a weekend filled with ghosts, crazy dreams, and a handsome stranger wasn’t quite what she had in mind.

Norman Rodgers had loved and lost, the last thing he wanted to do was get involved with someone new. No, it was better to spend his life alone, than be torn into a million little pieces. But after two years, the loneliness was wearing him down. He’d still not gotten up the nerve to ask a lady out for coffee. Attending a weekend writer workshop in Deadwood is, hopefully, a step in the right direction. Will the pretty widow he meets there be the answer to his problems or will the whole thing be a nightmare?